NanoBioGeo - Our Mission
The primary purpose for which the scientific-industrial NanoBioGeo consortium has been established in 2008 is to conduct multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research aimed at targets of strategic importance for the development of Poland.
NanoBioGeo consortium, whose concept emerged in 2007, develops new research directions based on the expertise of its participants. Thanks to the ERDF IEOP co-financing of the NanoFun project, the research conducted in the academic entities that participate in the consortium gains a new scientific and technological dimension, so far impossible or logistically difficult to achieve in Poland due to the total absence or very limited access to the necessary modern research infrastructure.

- Przełomowe nanomateriały
- Konferencja naukowa
- Nowe urządzenia w laboratorium

- Cryo-SEM Laboratory
- Cryo-SEM Sample Preparation Laboratory
- Geomicrobiology Laboratory
- Computer Laboratory

- Przełomowe nanomateriały
- Konferencja naukowa
- Patentujemy nasze wynalazki
- Nasze wynalazki nagrodzone